Bring Your Univisity or School Online
Covid 19 pandemic outbreak has forced all of us to work and study from home. Maximise your study from home with UMS by bringing every thing under one app platform.
Features & Overviews
Aliquam sagittis ligula et sem lacinia, ut facilisis enim sollicitudin. Proin nisi est,
convallis nec purus vitae, iaculis posuere sapien.
Mobile First
The System was desgined from ground to be mobile first, with desktop and web ready apllication.
Easy Migration
The core of the application has been designed to ease the migration from paper document to UMS .
Cross Platform
UMS gives you same UI ans UX experince for IOS, Android, Desktop or web
Cloud based
With all data stored in cloud server, you dont need to worry about carrying your phone. Just login on any capable device anywhere.
Token based and upcoming two step authentication makes it safer to use.
Dark mode
Comes with dark and light theme with auto switch
From Adminstration to student - One App
University adminstration and management can be easily done with UMS. Level of authentication is controlled by assigning various roles. This makes UMS highly versatile, enabling users to directly log in from one gateway.
- No need to recreate or have multiple acocounts. Roles are easily swappable.
- Univesity level roles.
- Colleges have principal role to manage them
- Head Mentor to manage a batch level issues.
- Mentor to manage group of 30 students.
From one account, populate your entire university
When you buy UMS service, you are assigned one admin account. So you can create college, add employee, create college and assign an employee as a principal. Add courses to college followed by batch and so on. This Hierarchical distrubition of work helps setting up your entire university in a very short period of time
- Admin account can create college and create employee account.
- Each college has a principal.
- Principal can create a batch inside a course.
- Batches have section and sections are devided into group.
- Students are added to the group
- Each higher authority also holds the authentication over lower authority
Upcoming Add-ons
When life gets normal, you wont like to get back to old paper work days. These add-ons makes UMS future safe and more intuitive.
Bus location tracker
Give your employee and student and a relife of mind while traveling with tracker. In addition to this mangement can also geo-fence and track bus speed live, just by simply installing UMS app on drivers smart phone
Attendance portal
On request, UMS can be custom designed to connect with existing University ERP system; or get the default Attendance management system without any additional setup.
Time table builder
Build time table and sacle it beautifully by autamitic student group, subject and teacher entitlement. Just put assign time slot each subject-teacher-group entitlement. Worry less, do more.!!